According to the World Health Organization (2012) Death from cardiovascular
disease reaches 17.5 million people per year. This means that the figure reaches 31
percent of 56.5 million deaths worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases include coronary heart
disease to be the first in the list of deadly chronic diseases in the world. More than three
to four deaths from cardiovascular disease occur in developing countries and low to
moderate income. From all deaths from cardiovascular disease 7.4 million (42.3%) are
caused by coronary heart disease. Study method used observational analytic one group
pre-post test design. Sampling techniques are using probability sampling techniques with
a sample number of 32 respondents. Research instruments on educational variables and
attitudes using questionnaires and behavioral variables using observation sheets. Test the
statistics using the test Paired Sample T Test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test with the help
of SPSS with significance value P = 0.05. The results of research using analysis of Paired
Sample T Test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed an increase in knowledge, attitudes
and behavior after given health education. Health education enhances the ability of oil-
mining workers in the initial handling of chest pain. Recommendation: The results of this
research can be used as a reference to develop the initial treatment program of chest pain
in the activity of oil mine at Bojonegoro Wonocolo.
Detail Information
. (2019).PROCCEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NURSING, HEALTH, AND EDUCATION (ICNHE).(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd