Correlation Between Emotional Peer Support and Cyberbullying Behaviour in Senior High School Students
Introduction: The biggest users of the internet and social media are teenagers.
This has an impact on the tendency for harassment behavior known as cyber-
bullying. This harassment is quite serious because it is massive; it can happen at
any time and anywhere. This harassment generally comes from the victim’s
peers. This research aimed to analyze the correlation between peer emotional
support and the cyber-bullying behavior among the students in senior high
Methods: This research used a cross-sectional study design. The sample size of
this study was 246 students in senior high school from the academic year 2018-
2019 collected through purposive sampling. The instrument of this research was
emotional support from their peers and cyberbullying behavior. The bivariate
analysis used was the Spearman test (α<0.05; CI=95%).
Results: There is a significant correlation between emotional peer support and
cyberbullying behavior among the students in senior high school.
Conclusion: Community health nurses should improve the emotional peer
support among the students in order to promote the prevention of cyberbullying
Detail Information
. (2019).Correlation Between Emotional Peer Support and Cyberbullying Behaviour in Senior High School Students.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd