Indicators and Index of Elderly Well-Being to Support an Age–Friendly City

Introduction: Increasing the life expectancy of the elderly raises complex problems
concerning the life aspects of the elderly, family, community, and government. A
well-being indicator for the elderly is needed as a measurement tool to facilitate
Indonesian elderly individuals to becoming more prosperous. The purpose of this
study was to develop well-being indicators and to formulate the elderly well-being
Methods: This study used an explanatory research design with a quantitative
approach. In total, 400 respondents were collected using multistage random
sampling. The physical well-being variable used the Mini-Mental State Examination
(MMSE) instrument, Barthel’s index, and the Disease Complaint questionnaire. In
addition, a psychology and social well-being instrument, social well-being
instrument, and spiritual instrument were employed. Confirmatory Factor Analysis
was used to verify the factor structure of all of the observed variables.
Results: The results showed that the indicators for elderly well-being are
demographic with the following factor loading: (λ) 0.32, social environment
(λ)=0.51, health services (λ)=0.55, physical well-being (λ=0.36 psychological well-
being (λ)=0.46, social well-being (λ)=0.45 and spiritual well-being (λ)=0.50. The
indicators and index can be used as an effort to drive the program, so then the
elderly can become productive, prosperous, and meaningful.
Conclusion: The elderly well-being index is expected to be a programmatic
instrument that can measure and evaluate the welfare of the elderly. This will
increase the elderly health program that is available to achieve more holistic well-
being and an age-friendly city.


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Pengarang Pipit Festi Wiliyanarti1 - Personal Name
Hari Basuki Notobroto - Personal Name
Hamidah Hamidah - Personal Name
Erfan Rofiqi - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil APRIL 2020
Subyek Wiliyanarti, P. F., Notoboroto, H. B., Hamidah, H.
Klasifikasi VOL.15
Judul Seri
GMD Artikel Jurnal Dosen
Bahasa English
Penerbit STIKes Kendedes Malang
Tahun Terbit 2020
Tempat Terbit Malang
Deskripsi Fisik
Info Detil Spesifik


. (2020).Indicators and Index of Elderly Well-Being to Support an Age–Friendly City.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd


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