Implementation of Chest Compression for Cardiac Arrest Patient in Indonesia: True or False

Introduction: The highest cause of death is cardiac arrest. Proper manual chest
compression will increase survival of cardiac arrest. The aim of this study was to
know the implementation of chest compressions for cardiac arrest patient in
Methods: This study used a descriptive quantitative design. The samples were
nurse and code blue team when performing manual chest compression to 74
patients experiencing cardiac arrest. The sample have body Mass Index (BMI)
more than 20. Research was conducted in two hospitals in Java, Indonesia.
Implementation of chest compression is measured based on depth accuracy.
Depth accuracy of chest compressions was assessed based on the comparison of
the number of R waves with a height >10 mV on the bedside monitor with the
number of chest compressions performed. The data were analyzed descriptively
(mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variances).
Results: The mean of accuracy of compression depth is 75.97%. The result shows
accuracy of compression depth on manual chest compression still under the
American Heart Association (AHA) recommendation of 80%, because chest
compression rate are not standardized. Chest compression rates are between
100-160 rates/minute, while AHA’s recommendations are 100-120
rates/minute. High compression speed causes a decrease in accuracy of chest
compressions depth.
Conclusion: The implementation of chest compressions in Indonesia if measured
based on accuracy of compression depth is not effective. Nurses and the code blue
team have to practice considering the use of cardiac resuscitation aids.


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Pengarang Untung Sujianto - Personal Name
Rendi Editya Darmawan - Personal Name
Nana Rochana - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil APRIL 2021
Subyek Darmawan, R. E., Sujianto, U., & Rochana, N. (2021
Klasifikasi VOL.16 NO.1
Judul Seri
GMD Artikel Jurnal Dosen
Bahasa English
Penerbit STIKes Kendedes Malang
Tahun Terbit 2021
Tempat Terbit Malang
Deskripsi Fisik
Info Detil Spesifik


. (2021).Implementation of Chest Compression for Cardiac Arrest Patient in Indonesia: True or False.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd


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