Factors associated withcompliance in implementing health protocols to prevent COVID-19 in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study

ABSTRACTIntroduction: To preventthe COVID-19spread, the governmentrequires people to comply with health protocols in public facilities, namely by wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a distance. This study aimedto determine what factors affect and reason for compliance in implementing health protocols.Methods:This research wasan analytical survey research with a cross-sectional design conducted in Semarang City, Indonesia,with a total sample of 400 respondents. The independent variables were age, education, occupation, and health status. The dependent variable was compliance in wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a distance. Data were analysed with logistic regression test with significance level of 0.05.Results:From thesurvey, 76.6% of respondents obeyed wearing masks, 57.4% of respondents obeyed to wash their hands and 71.1% of respondents obeyed to keep their distance. The backward type logistic regression test found that the factors associated withhealth protocol compliance wereage, education, occupation, health status, existing regulations and the desire to maintain health with a significance value of <0.001. However, field of work was not associated with using masks (p = 0.273), while health status was not associated with handwashing habits (p = 0.344).Conclusions:Factors that are associated withrespondents' compliance with the health protocol are age, education, occupation, health status, self-motivation and regulation. The government need to raise awareness onadhering health protocols through the promotion about healthy lifestyle.


Detail Information

Bagian Informasi
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Pengarang Ambar Dwi Erawati - Personal Name
Edisi Publish
No. Panggil April 2022
Subyek Keywords:adherence; COVID-19; health awareness; he
Klasifikasi Volume 17 issue 1
Judul Seri
GMD Artikel Jurnal Dosen
Bahasa English
Penerbit STIKes Kendedes Malang
Tahun Terbit 2022
Tempat Terbit Malang
Deskripsi Fisik
Info Detil Spesifik


. (2022).Factors associated withcompliance in implementing health protocols to prevent COVID-19 in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd


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