Kesadaran diri mengenai Diabetes Mellitus pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Pajajaran. Description of Self Awareness Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Student of Faculty of Nursing Padjadjaran University. jurnal keperawatan
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus was a disease that kept increased
annually in the world. One of the factors that could prevent the
occurrence of diabetes mellitus was self-awareness. The self-
awareness for the students of nursing studies was essential to be
developed, considering that nursing students were the prospective
nurses who soon would become the role models in health and the
nursing caregivers. Thus, it was expected that the nursing students to
have high awareness. Objective: This research aimed to find out the
description of self-awareness related to the risk factors of diabetes
mellitus to the students of the Faculty of Nursing Universitas
Padjadjaran. Methods: The method of the research was a quantitative
descriptive method that involved the population of the students of the
Faculty of Nursing year 2014-2016 as much as 853 people, taken by
simple random sampling method. The sample obtained was as much
as 274 respondents. The data collection was by using a self-awareness
questionnaire, analyzed by frequency distribution method presented in
the form of high, medium, and low self- awareness. Results: The result
of the research regarding the risk factors of diabetes mellitus was that
most of the respondents were included in the high category (55.20%).
However, some respondents were included in the medium category
(47.44%). Conclusion: It can be concluded that there were
respondents who have a medium self-awareness. Therefore, it is
necessary to design the program to raise the self-awareness of nursing
students related to diabetes mellitus risk factors.
Detail Information
. (2023).Kesadaran diri mengenai Diabetes Mellitus pada Mahasiswa Keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Pajajaran. Description of Self Awareness Diabetes Mellitus in Nursing Student of Faculty of Nursing Padjadjaran University. jurnal keperawatan.(Electronic Thesis or Dissertation). Retrieved from https://localhost/etd